Sat, December 07, 24 at 2:30 AM
Respecting parents is one of the fundamental teachings in Islam, an obligation that holds a central place in the life of every Muslim. Parents, especially the mother and father, are a divine blessing who dedicate their lives to raising their children with love and sacrifice. In Islam, honoring parents is not only a social responsibility but also an act of worship that draws one closer to Allah. It is through this respect and devotion that a Muslim demonstrates their gratitude to Allah and acknowledges the pivotal role of parents in their lives.
Allah ﷻ says in the Quran:
وَقَضَىٰ رَبُّكَ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوا إِلَّا إِيَّاهُ وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا
"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents."
(Surah Al-Isra: 23)
This verse illustrates the significance of parents in the Islamic religion. Respecting them is not merely a moral obligation but an act of devotion that Allah ﷻ places just after the command to worship Him alone.
What Does Respecting Parents Mean?
In Islam, respecting parents means treating them with kindness, patience, and love in both words and actions. It includes obeying their instructions as long as they do not contradict the teachings of Islam, speaking gently, and praying for their well-being. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the importance of parental respect when he said:
رِضَى اللَّهِ فِي رِضَى الْوَالِدِ، وَسَخَطُ اللَّهِ فِي سَخَطِ الْوَالِدِ
"The pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of the parents, and the displeasure of Allah is in the displeasure of the parents."
(Hadith, Tirmidhi)
The Virtues of Respecting Parents
The pleasure of Allah lies in the pleasure of one’s parents. A child who respects and honors their parents gains blessings and rewards from Allah.
When asked about the most beloved deeds to Allah, the Prophet ﷺ replied: "Prayer on its time." Then, when asked again, he said, "Kindness to parents." (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim)
Respecting and serving one’s parents is among the means of increasing one’s lifespan and blessings in sustenance.
Ways to Respect Parents
Harsh or disrespectful words should never be used when addressing parents. Allah ﷻ commands: "Do not say 'Uff' to them, and do not repel them, but speak to them a noble word." (Surah Al-Isra: 23)
Obey your parents in all matters that do not contradict Islamic teachings. Fulfill their requests with a cheerful heart and gratitude.
Praying for parents is a significant way to show respect and love. The Quran teaches this dua for parents: "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up when I was small." (Surah Al-Isra: 24)
If parents are in need, it is the duty of children to provide for them financially. This act strengthens familial bonds and ensures their dignity.
Taking care of parents, especially in their old age, is one of the most emphasized acts of worship in Islam.
Consequences of Disrespecting Parents
Disrespecting parents is considered one of the gravest sins in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ warned:
"Shall I not tell you about the greatest of the major sins?" The companions said, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "Associating partners with Allah and being undutiful to parents." (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim)
Such disobedience not only brings Allah’s displeasure but also leads to a life devoid of barakah and success.
An Inspirational Story: Uwais al-Qarni, the Devoted Son
Uwais al-Qarni is a shining example of devotion to parents in Islamic history. Despite being unable to meet the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ due to his commitment to caring for his ailing mother, Uwais became known for his sincerity and devotion. The Prophet ﷺ told his companions:
"If you meet Uwais, ask him to pray for you, for his prayers are accepted."
This story highlights the profound blessings that come from serving and honoring one’s parents.
Benefits of Respecting Parents
A person who respects their parents experiences tranquility and satisfaction in their heart, knowing they are fulfilling a divine obligation.
Life becomes more blessed, and one’s sustenance increases due to the prayers of parents.
A respectful and dutiful child earns admiration and respect within their community.
In Islam, respecting parents is a sacred duty that must be fulfilled by every Muslim. This respect extends beyond words to include actions, prayers, and a lifelong commitment to their well-being. By honoring our parents, we not only strengthen our relationship with them but also draw closer to Allah ﷻ, securing His blessings and mercy. May Allah ﷻ grant us the ability to serve and respect our parents with sincerity and devotion, and may He accept our efforts as acts of worship.