Privacy Policy

Shipping Policy

Refund Policy

Privacy Policy

We, Sayapeduli, take the security and confidentiality of donor data very seriously.

Privacy and Security Policies and Practices

Here are the policies and practices we adopt to show our commitment to protecting the privacy and security of donors while using the sayapeduli.org app.

  • Storage and Use of Donor Data

    We do not sell, exchange, or disclose any information related to donors using sayapeduli.org. When donors use sayapeduli.org, we use cookies that expire when they exit the site. All donor transactions and information are kept confidential in accordance with applicable laws in Indonesia and our internal policies.

  • Information Protection and Security

    We ensure donor information is protected using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, which scrambles communications between computers so that they cannot be read by others. We also adhere to PCI-DSS security standards.

  • Data Collection and Use

    We are committed to protecting the information donors provide us. By using the sayapeduli.org service, donors consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  • Applicable Laws and Regulations

    We comply with all applicable laws and government policies of the Republic of Indonesia, including those related to electronic information and transactions and donor data protection.

  • Data Acquisition and Protection

    We reserve the right to request and use donor data and information, including but not limited to account information, transactions, behavior, preferences, and experiences. Donors give explicit consent for the use of their personal data in accordance with the terms in this Privacy Policy.